Congrats VoiceBoks community for getting this honor, is not an easy one. VoiceBoks is a small social community that is still growing but i must confess it's members are the top contributors in my blog activities. If you are a blogger who does not have the habit of reading and commenting on people's blog, try join voiceboks you will be surprise to see the transformation in your previous blogging habit. You will be forced to start reading and taking part in people's blog. That is one of the wonders about voiceboks. Members of voiceboks are dedicated bloggers and very sociable people. I'm not in any way trying to promote voiceboks here in my blog, but i am only sharing my positive experience since i joined that wonderful community, is one of a kind!
I'm so proud to be a voiceboks member.
You want to share your own experience? Then join voiceboks.
I've joined Voicebox too, and it did wonders for my followers!
VoiceBoks is the way go. No other network can be compared to it. I love you all members of voiceBoks.
Hi, I'm a VB member too! I just love the girls over there. It's a supportive community, the best I've ever belonged too! I'm now a follower of your blog too! :)
Thank you for sharing. I just joined. It looks like lots of fun. :)
Thanks for your comments everyone.At shanan you will really like it over there.
I second You!
Thanks this was helpful!
I just joined this afternoon and have already made a few new "blogger buds"....great award!!
yes! I agree. Thanks to Lexie too\
Absolutey! I hang out in VoiceBoks over Twitter and Facebook! Love my VoiceBoks mommies!!
Tons of HUGS!!
Ro :)
Have you had your Mom-ME Moment yet today?
Thank you for being my VB friend. Hugs!!
I too have joined a lot of networking communites and VoiceBoks is just different. It really is a networking group. If you want to be just a passive partcipant it's not the place for you but if you are looking for learning about blogging, wanting to grow your site and meet and be inspired by really great boggers you should check it out!! I love it, if I have a question on anything blogging and post a qustion I know someone will answer me. Thanks for giving the site such a great shout-out!
Hi! Great post! I just joined Voicebox and am so glad that I did. Checking out your great blog and now following by GFC! Please stop by http://aboutamom.com to say hi!
need to check
Hi! Thanks for sharing Voiceboks. I just signed up there.
I'm your newest follower and it will be great if you can visit my blog at http://sweetvintagelady.com
I agree wholeheartedly. I'm a VB member and I love everyone on the site! I have gotten more traffic from VB than any hop I've ever participated in. I'm a proud member!
Stacey @ www.justsayitoldyouso.com
Oh my goodness! What a REALLY nice post! Where the heck have I been that I didn't see this? Thank you so much for this May! I REALLY DO love my vB Mommas! I'm so happy to be friends with all of you! I am going to work really hard this year so that we can make it for a conference next year and meet each other in person! How fun would that be!
May, you are awesome! Thank you thank you thank you!
You are welcome Lexie,you are such a wonder woman to create such a very strong community. And what we owe you is to spread the good news your community has done to out site. Remain blessed and continue the good work while we give you full support.
I'm a member of VoiceBoks too, and absolutely love it! There is tremendous support there, and I can always count on it. I think we all owe it to Lexie for guiding us and organizing us. She's like our mother hen;)
Cheers to Vb!
Let's see now, I joined VB in April and Lexie promised me money & to date I'm still broke.
Lexie is my hero, I tell her all the time. I don't belong to any other blogging mommy groups, no other blog hops because I dedicate my time to voiceboks and the ladies there. I quit everything else cold turkey and went VB all the way baby!
Lexie is the Oprah of blogs. Someone only wants followers, go away. If someone wants followers AND is willing to follow others AND make the Best Blogging friends in the whole freaking blog-o-sphere, then join voiceboks.
Aloha Lexie!
Thank you for the warm welcome on Voiceboks! I'm looking forward to being part of the VB community :)
Have a wonderful week!
You are totally right, May. I have joined several blogging communities, and Voice Boks is really the only one that has worked at all for me! Really nice people really write and really follow back!
Agreed. Love VB. The people are so nice. Lexie rules. Kim
This is so awesome!!!! Yay for VB! http://www.homesandbabies.com
I agree. I'm a newbie but the warm welcome I received from voiceBox is just overwhelming. The community is really amazing and filled with great people.
I completely agree! Voiceboks is the warmest and most supportive blog networking site I have ever been a part of. It is a wonderful community full of amazing women!
agreed! i love VB!!
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