
Friday, March 1, 2013

How True Is This About Beyonce?

Watch below video and tell us what you think. Is the most talked about video about Beyonce now. Scary!! Is this true?


  1. I don't know about anyone else, but I loved the super bowl half-time show. Beyonce' kick butt. I'm back after a long needed mental break. Hope all is well.

  2. It is so real. Alot of these celebrities sold their souks to the devil and in return the devil makes them very rich and famous and the devil will get into our lives and dorminate the world. these are end times.

  3. Hi there! Just found your blog on a blog hop and I'm your newest follower! Would love a follow back at

  4. I saw this video. I think we do have to be aware that we have a real adversary and he does use whomever he pleases to accomplish his mission. I think because celebrities are looked up to and imitated, it is difficult for us to accept that they may not be the best role models. We talk a lot on my site about being a godly woman in modern times. It is certainly a challenge with all the mixed messages in our world today. Thanks for posting, visiting from


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