
Thursday, March 31, 2011


The 3 glasses of   fresh juice you see here was produced  and designed by me.

The first glass from left is called SUMMER,the middle is called PINEAPPLE and the last  glass is called KIWI. I believe fresh fruits are God's provision of the finest and best source of vitamins our bodies need.
We alone are responsible to nourish our body and keep it healthy for as long as possible,so we should always try and drink  fresh juice daily for easy digestion, assimilation etc. Remember that fresh juice is much better and healthier than Concentrated juice.
Take a short break on concentrated juice and prepare your own home made fresh juice which i believe your kids,husband and friends will love. If you are too busy to prepare home made fresh juice then buy from fresh juice bars around you.
Wishing each one of you a healthy new month and healthy weekend....cheers.

Copyright policy: please do not take any picture from this  blog for any other purpose without contacting me.


  1. sexy mama now i see where your beauty is coming from.kip it up,9ice post.

  2. we need recipes,do u blend it all in or do you squeeze out the juice and get rid of the drained''fruit flesh''nice concept looks appetizing:)

  3. this is the peak of juice.wonderful.mine don,t come out this way.

  4. am going to market today to buy my own fruits.bravo!!bravo!!

  5. Specialistic Uchechi, these Juices are tasted and trusted. We need some more.

  6. tested,trusted and recommended is the three words for your product.
    haben Sie ein nettes Wochenende.

  7. thanks everyone...stay tuned for more updates.

  8. My dear,I love this recommendation, cause we all know that fruits is one of the vital requirement for body growth.

  9. my dear i don´t want to miss this,pls can u bring some 4 me sweetheart.sehr lecker.


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